8 Modern Video Games for 90s Anime Fans

After reading our article about Retro Video Games for 90s Anime Fans, you might be asking yourself, what games are readily available now? Which ones can I download on modern systems?  Hey! No problem! We’ve got you covered! We have some anime video games listed below that you can play today on modern systems. Take […]

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Yoko Kanno: Crafting the Songs of 90s Anime

Sometimes, you realize the world is a whole lot smaller than you originally thought. Sometimes, you learn an amazing fact about someone’s career that ties things together you had no idea were connected. This is one of those moments for me. Let’s start with a little off-topic background… I grew up in the golden age […]

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5 Prolific Voice Actors Who Dubbed 90s Anime

A famous bard once said, “To watch dub or not to watch dub?” This was later translated to the eternal 90s anime question, “Dub or Sub?” I think we can all admit that a good anime show/movie can be made or broken by voice actors. This is especially true when we apply English dubbing. Dubbing, […]

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Porco Rosso: The High-Flying Pig Prince of the Sky!

Porco Rosso is a Japanese animated fantasy-adventure story that was released in Japan in 1992. It was written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, who is also well-known for Princess Mononoke (1997) and Spirited Away (2001). Warning: Below is my full review with spoilers. The Tailspin Connection Porco Rosso looks like the kind of movie (on the […]

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The 5 Definitive Madhouse Anime of the 90s

Why is Madhouse one of the best anime studios? First off, it is important to note that Madhouse was one of the first Japanese animation studios to elevate the quality of animation and storytelling in the late 80s and early 90s. But how did they come into creation? The Early Days of Madhouse Madhouse was […]

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The Greatest Mystery Anime of the 1990s

When we think of anime, we often think of Sci-Fi, Romance, Mech, Horror, Action-Adventure, and Slice of Life stuff.  However, there are a lot of mystery-themed anime out there. Most of these shows combine genres with the list above, so it would be normal to find a show that is Mystery and Romance (for example, […]

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Perfect Blue: A Masterfully Layered Japanese Animation Movie

Perfect Blue is a psychological thriller that was released in 1997. It’s directed by the legendary Satoshi Kon, who also gave us Paprika. Perfect Blue is based on the novel Perfect Blue: Complete Metamorphosis by Yoshikazu Takeuchi. I touched upon this one in a smaller summary in an article about the 90s animation works of Madhouse […]

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The Greatest Dark Fantasy Anime of the 1990s

What is Dark Fantasy? Dark Fantasy is a popular subgenre in literature that often has grim and blood-soaked themes. It can be scary or disturbing and sometimes it may even feel more like a Horror than a Fantasy. What is a subgenre? In literature, many genres can be broken down into categories. Many of these […]

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Top 10 Most Popular Martial Arts Anime of the 90s

This is a special guest post from our friends over at animeeverything.online! It is an undeniable fact that the 90s were a golden era for martial arts anime series. From the cult classic Dragon Ball to the shonen hit Yuu Yuu Hakusho, all of the best titles in the genre were released in the 1990s. […]

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Recalling Fatal Fury 2 – A Fighting Anime Masterpiece

Disclaimer: I am an SNK fan. Back in the day, everyone had a fighting franchise that was their favorite. In the 90s, we had some biggies. Mortal Kombat appeared in arcades around 1992. Street Fighter was born in the late 80s and grew to major fame in the 90s with the Championship Edition. Fatal Fury […]

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